Welcome to Union Grove Baptist Church
We are excited that you have shown interest in our church.
We are a community of people who desire to see life change in the hearts of people.
Union Grove is a place where you will find a friendly, loving, and caring atmosphere.
Come worship with us this Sunday Morning or Wednesday Night.
Hope to see you soon!

Sunday Morning Worship Service 04/21/2024
Upcoming Services
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Service
LIVE on YouTube & In-Person
7:00 PM -
Prayer Meeting /
Grove Kids & Youth
LIVE on YouTube & In-Person

Stay Close To Jesus,
No Matter Where You Are
Check out our "social media" links below and
stay connected with upcoming events/announcements.
If you have any questions please contact us @ 910.567.6883
Check out our YouTube link above and watch LIVE Streamed Services on Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights.

Church Update!
If you are uncomfortable with coming inside, services are available online
as well as through a transmitter. To take advantage of the transmitter option,
you would need to park in our parking lot and tune your radio to the channel the deacons give you that morning.
To access the sermons online, you can go directly to our church’s Youtube channel Union Grove Baptist Church Salemburg, NC - YouTube
or you may click the link provided above on this page.

Contact Information
395 Vander Road
Salemburg, NC 28385
We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by striving to make disciples of all nations and, being a witness for Christ here, there and everywhere. If you live in our area or happen to be visiting this way, we would love to have you join us. Feel free to stroll around our website and learning more about what the Lord is doing in and through our church family.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesday Night
7:00 PM
Sunday Morning
9:30 AM - Sunday School
10:30 AM - Worship Service
LIVE on YouTube & In-Person